Interviews with
Bea & Aniko
Dear Stellar Sisters and Brothers,
Please welcome this exciting sharing and take it into your heart.
Let us share this interview and wonderful conversation with Stephanie Ophelia Kiser whom we met first in 2017 when she visited us in Budapest and she also took part in the international group of our Sistars while we initiated them in the Lemurian Lightbody mysteries in 2018. She asked us about the very beginning of how the Stellar Nations material and the teachings of the stellar consciousness was born.
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel&Anikó Greskó
The interview and the video was created by Stephanie Ophelia Kiser, The Mystic MuseLife Alchemy Coach & Facilitator, Medicine Woman/Nemenhah & Spiritual GuideArtist, Writer, Creative Visionary, living at Mount Shasta, America.
Dear Stellar Sisters and Brothers!
We have already shared with you the joyful news that in October 2022 our book Stellar Families – Soul Families was published in Slovak, which has since then found a wonderful resonance and has resulted in a very serious explosion of consciousness in the field of stellar consciousness, while also bringing about a truly uplifting and heart-warming unity in the star community.
Now, we are very happy to share with you that in early February we received a kind invitation from Sirianel Ančulka and his team to do an interview to present the journey and the birth of the Stellar Nations teachings to the Slovak and Czech Brethren. And Jana Redy, who wonderfully translated the book into the Slovak language, acted as our interpreter in the interview.
We have very rarely talked about these personal processes and the whole journey of the birth of our books, so you may also be interested in the spiritual journey that unfolded as a result of the questions on very large-scale issues, in which many important messages were conveyed.
It is also truly beautiful that the mission of the Lightworkers and the ever-expanding Heart only look to the joining together and the spiritual power that awakens in our connection, which can be a wonderful spiritual ammunition!
So, please welcome this interview, which was made at the request of our Slovak brothers and sisters of Light, and for which the English subtitles were prepared also, so now this conversation can be understood by you as well.
We embrace you with deep love,
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel & Anikó Greskó
Interview by Sirianel Ančulka Murčeková
Interpretation by Jana Redy
Director of photography: Marian Mendel
English subtitles translated by Lökös Virág
Second Interview by our Slovakian Sisters
Note: Please turn on English subtitles in the YouTube settings.
Dear Stellar sisters and brothers!
We have already shared with you the joyful news that in October 2022 our book Stellar Families – Soul Families was published in Slovak, which has since then found a wonderful resonance and has resulted in a very serious explosion of consciousness in the field of stellar consciousness, while also bringing about a truly uplifting and heart-warming unity in the star community.
As a result, on September 16, 2023, the Slovak edition of our book Stellar Destinies was also published, which could now also set off on its way to fulfill its destiny. And now we share with you with great love that we recently received another loving request from Sirianel Ančulka and her team to prepare a second interview, in which the message of the themes and teachings of our Stellar Destinies book could be presented to the Slovak and Czech Emissaries of Light. The translator of the book, Jana Redy Lantajová, undertook the wonderful interpretation this time as well, for which we thank her with a grateful heart.
We rarely talked about these personal processes before and the whole journey of the birth of our books, so perhaps the spiritual journey that unfolded following the questions concerning very big topics, in which many important messages could be conveyed, may be interesting to you, similar to the first interview in which the we talked about the birth and messages of our book Stellar Nations – Soul Families.
This interview can be a good preparation for the English edition of Stellar Destinies volume 1 and 2 together soon to be released in English as well.
It is also truly beautiful that the mission of the Lightworkers and the ever-expanding Heart only look to the joining together and the spiritual power that awakens in our connection, which can be wonderful spiritual ammunition!
So please welcome this second interview, made at the request of our Slovak light sisters.
We embrace you with deep love,
Dr. Beatrix Czeizel & Anikó Greskó