
The Stellar Nation of the Unicorns

(Note: O-p-p-p-s! The Slide for Alcyone within should show its position as 00 20 Gemini...NOT 4 09 Aquarius. Apologies for any confusion...)

This is the first in a series that will introduce the essence of each of the 13 Stellar Soul Families. This video introduces us to the Unicorn Stellar Nation.

At this point in our evolution we are called to recognize that we live within a vastly immense organism that has Consciousness and Order. We have soul particles living and learning on an array of stars and these stars are sentient points of consciousness...the abodes of our soul aspects!

Each of the 13 Stellar Soul Families represents a way of experiencing Creation and each has a trajectory of development along a pathway of stars.

When we recognize the Stellar Rays within ourselves, we expand Planetary Consciousness towards a Stellar Consciousness...which then recodes our Collective Consciousness!

We can think of the Stellar Soul Families as the "Galactic DNA" of our larger ongoing Light Bodies. And the stars can be thought of as the "cells" in our Light Body, circulating their information in their streams of Light that inform our incarnation. Based on the resonance of our individual soul spark we have developed within some Stellar Soul Families more than others...although all 13 Stellar Nations are held within the Chalice of our Human Being.

We bring the Stellar Soul Families from the inside "invisible" to the visible in our living. The intent of this series is introduce the essence of each Stellar Soul Family so that we can become more conscious of the vast intelligence that We Are!





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